Onze clouddesktop omgeving die voorheen de naam droeg: EyeOS. Wordt nu: OnEye

Hieronder vindt u een lijst met de belangrijkste wijzigingen:

* Added official API to set the text color property of Label widgets.
* Changed eyeMedia notifications to silent mode.
* Fixed eyeMp3 window position saving.
* Fixed eyeMp3 window title changing.
* Fixed first start in a session of eyeVideo.
* Fixed iPhone files images.
* Improved dragging elements using either a mouse, a touch or both.
* Improved iPad support slightly.
* Improved layer handling of browser plugins.
* Improved window dragging and resizing.
* Removed eyeMovies application.
* Updated bookmarks of eyeFeeds and eyeNav.

What's new in oneye 0.8.0 (RC 1)
* Added eyePictures application.
* Added initial Touch support (e.g. for tables and smartphones).
* Added eyePdf plugin "pdf.js" for inline pdf viewing.
* Added launching links directly form within eyeFiles.
* Added per user quota.
* Added "Go Up" button to eyeFiles.
* Added missing eyeApp category icons.
* Added SESSION_EXPIRE (in seconds, default: 3600 -> 1 hour).
* Added PING_INTERVAL (in seconds, default: 120 -> 2 minutes).
* Added eyeFiles library function to imitate "imagebmp".
* Added utf8_chr function.
* Rewrote utf8_wordwrap function for full PHP compliance.
* Rewrote extern service for better cache and mimetype management.
* Rewrote xml library for better performance and improved output.
* Changed default theme to "defaultPlus".
* Changed http requests to be asynchronous to minimize problems with different states at the same time on highly called files / functions.
* Changed flash widget to automatically use "wmode=opaque".
* Improved Icon widget ellipsis calculation.
* Improved haptic of the exit application.
* Improved eyeIframize by adding additional parameters.
* Fixed calendar week day calculation.
* Fixed thumbnail creation.
* Fixed updating eyeDock after removing an element.
* Fixed theme integration of the color selection control.
* Fixed default eyeSoft repository.
* General overall improvements by
-> improving widgets on either the server or clients side
-> fixing different vfs functions
-> fixing rand, srand, mt_rand, ... usage
-> and so on
* Updated SoundManager 2.
* Updated TinyMCE.
* Switched to UglifyJS for improved experience with minified js files.

Friday, February 17, 2012

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